Sailing on the Deben inspires a new tiller

Well last weekend I was invited by the kind owner of Mirelle - a lovely Blake designed gaff cutter - for a sail on the Deben! It was a real eye opener. Her sumptious interior, a coal stove, and all that string. More importantly, it re-affirmed the reasons why I have gone to so much expense and effort in giving Roach a second life. Although it was freezing it was simply a wonderful weekend. I got to know the River a bit and realised that it is quicker going to the pub by boat than it is by car!
Anyway, on Sunday night I had enough time to ponder all the jobs that need to be done on Roach and decided to make her a new tiller from some seasoned Ash I had found from a chap in Felixstowe. I already have the original Oak tiller, but it is very long as Roach was designed as a single-hander. I decided I need to shorter one that I can attach a dinghy style tiller extension to. This would allow more room in the cockpit when friends are sailing with me. The original one has been re-varnished and will be used , as a treat, for when I sail single-handed. It's always good to have a back-up emergency tiller too.
Below is the new tiller which I am quite proud of.
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