The Burnham Sloop

The Burnham sloop was designed by Dallimore in 1938, but no boat were built until after the war. Recently I have heard of the existence of Roach’s younger sister Truant – she requires restoration was recently sold in the West Country as a project. I trust the new owner can get her in the water soon.
Truant is an interesting yacht as she was built a Prior’s in 1951. She was built to the original 1938 Burnham Sloop design. The windows and dog house you see are not original, but what one can see is that there is clearly no cut-away forefoot as on Roach. This is because Dallimore re-worked the design in 1948 to provide more ballast and a smaller sail plan. He introduced the cut-away forefoot which was a very novel innovation for 1948.
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