The CQR - a Great British Design Classic

I have to admit that until now Roach has only had an poor imitation CQR anchor - I have been scouring the country for a 20lb second hand one for ages; eventually one came up for sale and I snapped it up. I am very happy!
Many people were saying that I should have gone for one of these new fangled anchors with roll bars, sharpened tips and day-glow yellow reflector stickers on them; I rightly and strongly resisted.
The CQR is a Great British Classic Design, designed in 1933 by Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor who tested it at the Felixtsowe Flying Boat station. The design was so innovative in under halving the weight per power ratio of traditional anchors that it was widley adpoted by yachts; small ones in particular, due to its hinged shank and therefore ease of stowage. Flying boats adopted the used the anchor becuase of its small pack size and low weight. But it was effective in larger sizes too, and was the anchor used to secure the Mulberry floating harbour during the D-Day landings. I strongly believe that all "new age" anchor designers are very much endebted to the CQR design.
So I have a 1948 yacht with a 1930's anchor. A combination I am proud of. I am also proud of using the enchor in the same cruising grounds that Sir Geoffrey sailed. I have never dragged even on the imitation, so my original one should perform better, and if it does not, well there is the famous lifetime service guarantee, which few "new age" anchor manufacturers dare to offer.
While the CQR is indeed an excellent anchor it is a myth that it was used on the Mulberry harbours. The anchor designed specifically for securing the Mulberry roadways was the Kite anchor which was designed by Allan Beckett; for details see
The Kite anchor was designed to bury itself forever deeper under increasing load unlike a CQR which drags or turns and resets itself under overload. As a result of this feature the Kite anchor achieved a remarkable holding power to weight ratio in excess of 90. This same feature of ever deeper burying makes the Kite very difficult to recover so it is unsuited for temporary moorings.
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